Average Salary and Job Outcomes With an Oral Biology and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Degree

What Do You Learn With This Degree?

What Do You Learn With This Degree?

A program that focuses on the scientific study of the growth, development, diseases, healing properties, and neurological components of the oral cavity, related tissues and organs, and associated craniofacial areas. Includes instruction in oral microbiology microanatomy, craniofacial pain, humoral aspects of disease, etiology and histology of caries, plaque ecology, wound healing, oral disease epidemiology, oral manifestations of systemic disease, lesions, normal and pathologic physiology, and related molecular and physical studies.

U.S. Summary

Sorry, there is no information available to display about career salaries, job growth, and other pertinent job data about this degree. This could be due to a number of reasons including:

  • Employers may not have a preference for a degree in this subject. Visit the category to explore similar degrees.
  • The government has not been able to collect enough information about jobs which would require a degree.

All information is based on data collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and National Center for Education Statistics.

Most Affordable Schools for an Undergraduate Oral Biology and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Degrees

University of Iowa

101 Jessup Hall - Iowa City, IA

Out-of-state cost: $31,569/year
In-state cost: $9,606/year
Degrees: Master's, Certificate

Texas A & M University-College Station

JKW Administration Building, Suite 200 - College Station, TX

Out-of-state cost: $40,526/year
In-state cost: $12,296/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate, Certificate

Harvard University

Massachusetts Hall - Cambridge, MA

Out-of-state cost: $53,968/year
In-state cost: $53,968/year
Degrees: Master's, Certificate

University of Pennsylvania

34th & Spruce Street - Philadelphia, PA

Out-of-state cost: $60,042/year
In-state cost: $60,042/year
Degrees: Master's, Certificate

University of Southern California

University Park - Los Angeles, CA

Out-of-state cost: $60,275/year
In-state cost: $60,275/year
Degrees: Master's, Certificate

Tufts University

Out-of-state cost: $60,862/year
In-state cost: $60,862/year
Degrees: Certificate

Most Affordable Schools for a Graduate Oral Biology and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Degrees

Creighton University

2500 California Plaza - Omaha, NE

Out-of-state cost: $18,528/year
In-state cost: $18,528/year
Degrees: Master's

Augusta University

1120 15th St - Augusta, GA

Out-of-state cost: $20,712/year
In-state cost: $7,444/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

4505 S Maryland Pky - Las Vegas, NV

Out-of-state cost: $21,962/year
In-state cost: $6,309/year
Degrees: Master's

Temple University

1801 North Broad Street - Philadelphia, PA

Out-of-state cost: $24,236/year
In-state cost: $17,846/year
Degrees: Master's

Stony Brook University

310 Administration Building - Stony Brook, NY

Out-of-state cost: $25,583/year
In-state cost: $13,793/year
Degrees: Doctorate

Medical University of South Carolina

179 Ashley Ave - Charleston, SC

Out-of-state cost: $25,673/year
In-state cost: $17,702/year
Degrees: Master's

University at Buffalo

12 Capen Hall - Buffalo, NY

Out-of-state cost: $26,028/year
In-state cost: $14,238/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of Missouri-Kansas City

5000 Holmes St. - Kansas City, MO

Out-of-state cost: $26,699/year
In-state cost: $11,258/year
Degrees: Master's

University of Nebraska Medical Center

42nd & Dewey Ave - Omaha, NE

Out-of-state cost: $26,961/year
In-state cost: $9,789/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of California-San Francisco

500 Parnassus Ave - San Francisco, CA

Out-of-state cost: $28,092/year
In-state cost: $12,990/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of California-Los Angeles

405 Hilgard Ave - Los Angeles, CA

Out-of-state cost: $28,131/year
In-state cost: $13,029/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

100 Church Street SE - Minneapolis, MN

Out-of-state cost: $28,845/year
In-state cost: $19,221/year
Degrees: Doctorate

University of Washington-Seattle Campus

1400 NE Campus Parkway - Seattle, WA

Out-of-state cost: $30,294/year
In-state cost: $17,394/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

Rutgers University-New Brunswick

83 Somerset St - New Brunswick, NJ

Out-of-state cost: $32,132/year
In-state cost: $19,724/year
Degrees: Doctorate

University of Maryland, Baltimore

620 West Lexington St - Baltimore, MD

Out-of-state cost: $34,877/year
In-state cost: $17,038/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

4200 Fifth Avenue - Pittsburgh, PA

Out-of-state cost: $40,836/year
In-state cost: $24,468/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

Case Western Reserve University

10900 Euclid Ave - Cleveland, OH

Out-of-state cost: $47,958/year
In-state cost: $47,958/year
Degrees: Master's

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

503 Thompson Street - Ann Arbor, MI

Out-of-state cost: $49,548/year
In-state cost: $24,772/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

Boston University

One Silber Way - Boston, MA

Out-of-state cost: $57,666/year
In-state cost: $57,666/year
Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

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