Average Salary and Job Outcomes With a Missile and Space Systems Technology Degree

What Do You Learn With This Degree?

What Do You Learn With This Degree?

A program that focuses on the principles, technology and maintenance of rocket systems, guided missiles, and space vehicles as well as related systems. Includes instruction in engineering mechanics, engineering graphics, materials and processes, electronics, propellant and guidance systems, control systems, fluid power, nuclear and conventional weapons systems, hazardous materials, non-destructive inspection and testing, quality assurance, safety procedures and maintenance management.

What Can You Do With This Degree?

What Can You Do With This Degree?

Manage personnel and weapons operations to destroy enemy positions, aircraft, and vessels. Duties include planning, targeting, and coordinating the tactical deployment of field artillery and air defense artillery missile systems units; directing the establishment and operation of fire control communications systems; targeting and launching intercontinental ballistic missiles; directing the storage and handling of nuclear munitions and components; overseeing security of weapons storage and launch facilities; and managing maintenance of weapons systems. Field artillery crew members predominantly use guns, cannons, and howitzers in ground combat operations, while air defense artillery crew members predominantly use missiles and rockets. Naval artillery crew members predominantly use torpedoes and missiles launched from a ship or submarine. Duties include testing, inspecting, and storing ammunition, missiles, and torpedoes; conducting preventive and routine maintenance on weapons and related equipment; establishing and maintaining radio and wire communications; and operating weapons targeting, firing, and launch computer systems.

U.S. Summary

Sorry, there is no information available to display about career salaries, job growth, and other pertinent job data about this degree. This could be due to a number of reasons including:

  • Employers may not have a preference for a degree in this subject. Visit the category to explore similar degrees.
  • The government has not been able to collect enough information about jobs which would require a degree.

All information is based on data collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and National Center for Education Statistics.

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