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Degrees: Citizenship Activities

Instructional programs that prepare individuals for citizenship, and provide instruction in how citizens may engage in civic activities.

American Citizenship Education

A program that prepares individuals to take the oath of United States citizenship...

Average Salary Median: N/A
Average Job Growth Average: N/A

Community Awareness

A program that focuses on local government and history, current issues, and focuses...

Average Salary Median: N/A
Average Job Growth Average: N/A

Community Involvement

A program that focuses on how individuals may become actively involved in the...

Average Salary Median: N/A
Average Job Growth Average: N/A

Canadian Citizenship Education

A program that prepares individuals to take the oath of Canadian citizenship and...

Average Salary Median: N/A
Average Job Growth Average: N/A

Citizenship Activities

Any instructional program in citizenship activities.

Average Salary Median: N/A
Average Job Growth Average: N/A